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The Vibration Of Reiki Energy The Reiki Ritual
The Reiki Ritual
Healing Reiki Energy The Reiki Ritual
The Power Of Reiki The Reiki Ritual


My Name is Tiarra and I Love Doing The Work.

When I was diagnosed with my own debilitating health illness 7 years ago, I went on a journey to find relief from the everyday body pain and inflammation. There were days when my ability to walk was restricted due to severe joint pain, inflammation, and severe lower back pain and neck pain. it was a lot to deal with physically and mentally.


I had to make a choice to either suffer and allow things to just happen and wish for the best or I could become a full active participant in the desperate need to feel better, to get better. I made the decision to fight the illness and to become more involved in my own healing process. I made the decision to start to try to do better, to want more and to be better. To go on a learning journey and to begin to study and learn new ways of thinking, eating, listening, studying and seeing. By studying Reiki, it has opened up the door to so many other modalities that can help everyone and anyone on their journey of self-love, self-knowledge, have to first heal yourself before you can heal others. Reiki has allowed me to tap into myself and as an individual on a level I was never familiar with. 


Today, I can say both my physical and mental health has improved significantly. By implementing the foods that help fight the inflammation and including a regular stretching and strengthening routine into my everyday life ... the pain I use to suffer from has gone from a 10 to a 3. 

Every day is a journey of self-healing and self-love, and part of the healing process mentally is for me to be of service to others in hopes of helping them find some relief from the stress that can often become trapped within our bodies and cause all kinds of unhealthy results. 


I use the healing energy of Reiki to reset myself daily, along with a light routine of stretching, light weights, mindfulness meditation, eating healthy organic foods. I was able to successfully be removed from 2 of my inflammation medications and am currently in remission.

Reiki to me is more than just a modality for has the ability to change the way a person lives their lives if they are ready for a real change and are committed to the process.


In my service to others, I am also able to heal myself as my slight limitation for walking and lifting has limit my options for job opportunities, I am able to help others and also support myself. My clients know my health situation as I have expressed to many the process and the journey I am on. My clients have been extremely supportive so much so that there have been times when I get a cash app notification and a note saying things like, " Go treat yourself to a massage." or "Hey, you're always on your feet, go relax today." accompanied by a cash deposit that I was not expecting. When things like that happen, I simply smile, and I return a response of "thank you." It's times like those when I truly believe it's the universe saying thank you to me...they say you get back what you put out and when my clients randomly send me donations, it lets me know they understand and appreciate the work I do and that the universe is smiling back at me.


Oh, and I am truly blessed, thank God I don't look like what I've been through.


When your ready to enjoy a Reiki Relaxation session please feel free to give ma call.

Allow Your Journey To Begin Today.

1-617-870-3770 Tiarra.

Please choose from the various payment apps below how you will be making your $20 dollar advance confirmation deposit.

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