The Reiki Ritual
Zoom Only Reiki Remote Session
Want To Experience The Reiki Ritual Relaxation Remote Session?
Here are the key elements that make up a Remote Reiki session:
Unlike traditional in-person Reiki sessions, remote Reiki healing allows individuals to experience the benefits of energy healing from the comfort of their own homes or any other location. The practitioner and recipient do not need to be physically present in the same place. A remote Reiki session is a powerful form of energy healing that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Practitioner as a Conduit:
During a remote Reiki session, the practitioner serves as a conduit for healing energy. They focus their intention on clearing and strengthening the client’s energy, promoting balance and well-being.
Energy Transmission:
The practitioner transmits Reiki energy remotely using intention and visualization. As the Reiki energy flows through the practitioner’s hands (even though they are not physically touching the recipient), it is transmitted to the client, regardless of their physical location.
Client Preparation:
For a successful Remote Reiki session, the client should find at least 2 quiet places where they won’t be disturbed during the session. The second space is just in case some unexpected event should happen in the first space as far as background environment noise that you are unable to control such as, trash day or street drilling, or your neighbor's house repairs.
Most people wear comfortable pajamas or sweats, a warm blanket or heavy comforter, candles, incense, find your favorite chair or cushioned sofa or make your way into bed. Remember we can only hear each other we will not see each other after our virtual consultation ends and the Reiki Session Begins, we both turn our cameras off once the session begins so it's ok to be in your most natural most relaxed state in order to gain the most from this session, no need to be all dolled up...this is time for you to relax and let go of the stress not to add to it, so relax and enjoy the moment.
Having a mobile phone stand to hold the phone (set to speaker mode) can be useful. You can use a laptop as well whatever is most convient for you.
Benefits: Virtual Reiki Healing offers a range of benefits, including:
Enhanced Self-Healing: Reiki activates the body’s natural healing abilities, stimulates the immune system, and releases physical and emotional blockages.
Energetic Balance: Reiki balances and harmonizes the recipient’s energy centers (chakras), promoting overall well-being.
Stress Relief: Reiki reduces stress and anxiety, leading to deep relaxation and inner peace.
Improved Vitality: Reiki energy enhances overall physical and mental energy levels. In summary, virtual Reiki sessions allow individuals to tap into the universal healing energy, experience relaxation, and support their overall well-being, all without leaving their own space.
Zoom App:
Please download the Zoom app here to the device you will be using for your Remote Reiki Session rather your laptop or your cell phone you decide. and you will then have to run a test for the audio and the camera just to make sure your device will work properly with the app prior to our scheduled appointment.
For The Recipient
How to prepare for a Reiki session means arriving with an open heart and mind, clear intentions, and a willingness to participate actively in their own healing journey. It also includes the often overlooked but equally important post-session care.
Remote Reiki Sessions Are Held On Zoom Only.
You Must Have Access To Zoom Safe Download Here: Zoom App
To Learn More Click Below:
How To Prepare For A Virtual Reiki Relaxation Session.
Your Free Consultation Takes Place Once Your Appointment Has Been Confirmed
Once You Have Read This Site In It's Entirety And Are Ready To Receive This Virtual Healing Reiki Session,
Please Give Me A Call.
I Am Looking Forward To Helping You On Your Relaxation Journey.
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